How to Be Edgy(Satire)

  1. Make an anonymous social media account.

There’s nothing more brave and edgy than talking about ideas and calling real people cowards when your profile picture is a mask.

2. See a post you disagree with on the internet? Start an Argument.

When you see someone express their opinion on the internet about a current event in politics or pop culture in which you disagree with, you cannot let it go unanswered. In fact, it is only noble to go after that person with your conflicting argument and possibly call them a few names if nothing else works. Always remember to make it look as if you have the moral high ground before your opponent does, especially if it appears as if you’re losing. When they ask you a difficult question, take the opportunity to sidestep the question and begin to speak on a moral argument that has nothing to do with said question.

3. Retweet a Snopes, Huffington Post, or The Young Turks article.

Snopes, Huffington Post, and The Young Turks are clearly the authorities in modern day honest and noble journalism.

  1. Tweet links to Medium articles about hating white people.

There’s nothing more progressive and open-minded than hating on White-house cabinet members and other right-wingers for the color of their skin and maybe their gender.


  1. Write They/Them as your pronouns in your bio.

In light of recent events, using They or Them to refer to a single person instead of He or She is now considered grammatically correct. Remember: calling yourself one gender is putting yourself in a box and we can’t have that. Feel free to express yourself though your gender and gender pronouns. Anyone who tells you that according to biology, there are only two genders, is a hater and anti-progress.


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